1 martie 2012

Tiras the first of the Thracians

Tiras - the first of the Thracians (Thracians father and grandfather of the Romanian people)

Formally,about Thracians is said that thay have appeared in history around after the 10th century BC but this remains to be seen because in addition to official reports there is irrefutable evidence, willfully ignored evidence.
 That evidence is the Bible itself, respectively in the Old Testament and considering this we can easily account that the age of the Thracian people is is much higher than that shown in official reports!
 In those ancient times the Thacians were called by the Hebrews : Tirasians.
  Per the Bible Genesis 10,says that the Father of the Thracians was Tiras who was the last born of Japheth, son of Noah.
 The historian Titus Flavius ​​Josephus (37 - AD 100) wrote that Tiras was the father of the Tirasians ( Thracians ),about them he said that they were the first people with lighter hair (reddish and blond) and blue eyes.
 The first ancient historians who were referred to the Thracians were Xenophanes (570-475 BC) and Herodotus (484 BC - 425 BC).

American lexicographer Noah Webster (October 16, 1758 - May 28, 1843)
said that one of the sons of Tiras was Thor, mentioned by Homer as the Thourus, his duties were similar to those of Ares (Mars for the Thracians) because the prose Edda Saga Islandia said about Thor, the ancestral father of the Germanic peoples, it was red-head man and more than that, this man was king of Thrace.
In 1838, German religious historian, Johann Friedrich Christian Tuch (December 17, 1806 - April 12, 1867) mention that a part from the Thracian people was reprezented by the Etruscans,Herodotus said that their ancient name was Tirasenoi.
This population consists of ancient Tirasenoi, before emigrating to Italy, founded in Asia Minor (now Turkey) kingdom of Lydia.The same german historian mentions the most famous son of Tiras was Troas The Founder Of Troy.

"Sea Peoples" also derives its vigor from the nation of Tirasenoi (Thracians).
These representatives were called Tursha, the name appearing on an inscription from the reign of Ramses III, they were mentioned during the invasion of Egypt, they were repelled and settled in the Middle East.
The best known of these tribes were edonii and Philistines.
Persian historian Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (915) speaks of a Persian tradition according to which he Tiras had a son namely Batawil whose daughters Qarn, Bakht and  Arsal have become the wifes of Put, Cush and Canaan.

 In ancient times Nistru river  was called Tyras and because of this,that  wonderful country "between rivers" mentioned by the Bible is even Bessarabia!
Another hypothesis is that according to which age and Tiraspol is much higher, being a city founded by Tirasians (Thracians) which in antiquity was called Tiraspolis.
This is a great irony of fate, the Thracian city, Tiraspol (Tiraspolisul), Romanian default (given that we came from Thrace), has become, unfortunately, a bastion of anti-Romanism. Personally I wish that these divergences will  disappear and the people will live in peace!
Considering all these mentions about our ancestors, who has cheeky, or rather ignorance, to say that the Romanian people was a people without history, insignificant as its ancestors (Thracians). All this is another reason why the Roman people should be proud of what was and what has and will have (meaning wisdom, beauty)!

 We must understand one thing : the destiny of Europe is also our destiny,our ancestor was capable enough to create a civilization strong enough,able to defend the true European identity,and we must do the same thing,we must save the true Europe,not only for us but for other Europeans!


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