15 iunie 2012

Patriotism – a way of economical resistance

 In our days it is hard to find an mainstream politician enough patriot that he consider the people part of his soul.
 The biggest question is the next one : Why we have reached a situation so bad?
From my point of view, the thing that has generated such an attitude is the lack of education.
An educated person will be allways able to see the differece between the good and evil. True education means more than just information, that good education must help you to improve your visions toward World’s political and economical realities.
An person who does not love her country,her culture will be unable to understand the importance of patriotism, Unfortunately, now have became a sort of fashionable the indifference towards traditional values currently also the importance of  faith is ignored because Christianity is no longer considered as a path to development.
 Extreme atheism unfortunately made ​​place in the mind of Romanians and Europeans in general. Without Christianity, without patriotism characteristic of this religion, unfortunately the native european nations are now unable to see the danger hovering around them!

The current democracy is proving incapable to lead the destinies of the peoples of Europe.
We must understand the importance represented by Christianity and patriotism. We don’t need so-colled humanist campaigners againt the Cristianity in Europe.
These indoctrinated people will never understand that European civilization is linked to Christianity, it is part of it exactly how a brach belongs to a tree. Single branch tree can not survive without the tree!
I am intrigued by the attitude towards Christianity that has most of the European leaders in advancing Enlightenment out forgetting to remember that most Enlightenment movement  were Christians!
Isaac Newton, Charles Kingsley, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Maximilien de Robespierre were Christians,they believed in God. If those who fought for the evolution of the knowledge of Europeans were Christians, then why Christianity is seen as a retrograde element ?
 For those who still did not understand Christianity's role in developing European nations will give two examples of philosophers represented by Roger Bacon and Francis Bacon.
 They were some people who think rationally, but also have been spiritual, they were represented true European ideal of understanding the link between materialism and Christianity.
To better understand how these people thought to give one quote from each.
 Roger Bacon said : “No experience can not know anything thoroughly. There are two ways of
towards knowledge: through argument and experience. Many are those who have evidence of what can be known, but as they do not experience ... can not avoid what is harmful.”

 Francis Bacon said : “Some science get you far away from God.But more science gets you closer of God .”,he also said that Knowledge is Power because he does know that God can be revealed only to those who are wise enough to understand that the divine nature and its role in the smooth functioning of things.
They understood that God is in spirit and matter ( that does not mean to worship a rock as part of God). When Jesus Christ is not present in the hearts of European nations, nor a strong economy, nor an  large army can not save it from decay, that’s why we European nations must understand the link between Cristianity and Existence and also the link between the Existence and Patriotism.
God has created diversity, but this diversity was spread throughout the globe, If diversity created by God is concentrated in one place, then we have to do with a new Babylon, with a new artificial structure created by man.
If we try to take the place of God or if we try to take place when Mother Nature will turn against our actions over time.
We need to understand the true nature of Christian religion, superstition and fanaticism were created by man, God has nothing to do with them.
Patriotism and good functioning of the economy is a model of symbiosis.
There are many examples of countries where national identity untainted because they could become economically strong.
Japan, Britain, Russia are some telling examples in this question!
We Romanians have to grab the best examples to prosper and achieve a new level of spiritual and material.
After loss of the Second World War Japan was defeated even though she was able to overcome the problems associated and to become again a world power with patriotism.
Patriotism has given power for the Japanese people so be honest and to respect each other.
Because patriotism is primarily human respect to the nation and the nations of each other.
The biggest problem is represented by those who do not recognize the role of patriotism and even more than that we refuse the right to be patriotic
Japanese could be strong by themselves We Romanians have to do the same thing to manage by ourselves.
Corruption, callousness and bad taste will be some negative elements that belonged to a past immoral.
Immorality in the past will disappear from people's minds with the return to patriotic and Christian principles.
National identity and work together because Christianity where Christianity was installed he gave a concrete form that nation.
History speaks for itself, because the French nation was founded by Christianity, brave Frenchmen understood the message of Jesus Christ and have taken over and continued.
Currently weakening Christian principles in France and increased extreme left did so noble French nation to become a nation exhausted (they speak French followers refer to Franks and Gallo-Romans, newcomers need more time to become French sense of the word).
 We Romanians have to see what made ​​them strong in French in the past and led to the weakening of the French nation today ( Personally I hope that our brothers from the west will be awakened ).

 Romanians ( amd Europeans must understand that it goes well for need of love for people they belong ).
  Exacerbated individualism led to selfishness, and once a man became selfish love should give up their nation and to respect.
 Selfishness does not lead to anything but the destruction of personality and hence the nation.
Romania is a part of the Romanian nation, he must understand that when the nation is strong and he is strong.
Desire to have more than you need is only a form of selfishness.
  Accumulated surplus should be used so as to create the core to support a middle class.
 A strong nation has a strong middle class, when social disparities between rich and poor are suffering great nation!
Political incompetence should be given to some by example, by the power of a true leader.
A patriotic political-economic first step should be the next one: In politics will have to enter only people who know the history of Romania, people without a past tainted by corruption.
Thus, those who do not deserve the status of politicians will have to take thought of the riches of our nation.
The second measure will be the nationalization of the housing market.
Hearing the word nationalization, many so-called democrats will say that it is not that this is not a democratic measure.
But let's see what it really democracy.Word democracy is a combination of two Greek words: demos and pans, demos meaning people and craters - power, direct translation democracy means people's power.
But when people are not allowed to exercise their democratic right is not a dictatorship masked?
But how is it that some individuals who call themselves democrats require some measure of the Romanian people that disagree?
Where is democracy when a small group decide for the people?
When people are not allowed to express their views in a freely is not a dictatorship?
Patriotism in the economy should be like for a patient pill.
Democracy means that people have power, that people are free. Today, unfortunately, the idea of liberty reaches negative levels!
And I'll give an example in this sense. Do not think there is freedom in a thing that destroys mental freedom.
Soft drugs, pornography, some things are normal now, is funny how  in a so-called modern era soul and mind corruption becomes normal. When normal becomes abnormal and normal abnormal is logical that something bad happens to that company.
There is no freedom in an addiction as there is no freedom in a cage.
The problem of pseudo-democratic chain practically strangling us morally and economically is the following : this kind of chain is indistinguishable physically, it affects only the mental level.
I have not seen a drug addict or pornography addict to give performance at work.
In conclusion, these dependencies affect us not only socially but also economically.
To solve the economic problems of a nation need to save the first mentally.
Without a healthy mind there is a strong economy.

Freedom means the right to self-determination of people that you belong. When people are not healthy, his suffering will be such that the economy of that country may not work well.
We Romanians must understand the relationship between economics and mental and physical health.
Patriotism means mental and physical health for people.
Love of country is one with the God and therefore patriotism will so that the Romanian nation approaches the new God, this time in full.
In economics as in life you can not do anything by yourself, you need people who think like you, people who love their homeland.
Mental and physical degeneration is caused by lack of patriotism, because lack of patriotism leads to individualism and exacerbated individualism leads to greed and greed leads to bankruptcy.
To avoid bankruptcy, we need a new generation of patriotic, because only she can save the Romanian nation from disaster.
 There are many examples that demonstrate that patriotic nations are stronger than individualistic.
 We must understand the high important role played by our Christian Church.Our ancestors
who were the majority in Transilvania were persecuted for their faith. The irony of history is that Romanians were more faithful and patriotic when they were persecuted. Now even though the Romans religiously persecuted, persecution takes place at the mental level.
We Romanians must understand that we don’t need to be awaken in reality by persecution, we must wake up alone!
In order to address the economic, we first need a strong spiritual support, the re-Christianization of Romania.
The nation consists of three components: a physical, a mental and spiritual one.
These three components work exactly like a ecosistem.One needs the other to work. When one lacks the other will not function properly.
Desire to do something good comes from within, the desire to perform well everything comes from within.
When we are not prepared in a spiritual, physical for us will suffer, because a flat body, a body that refuses Divine blessing is weak.
How tree needs sun and water to grow, so the Romanian people of faith and patriotism needs to grow spiritually and economically.
We must break the chains of ignorance if we want to prosper, we must not forget that currently the most important resource is information?
We have intelligence, beauty, health, but these qualities can not come out unless we fight for them.
Our struggle for existence must be a right spirit. If our opponents attack us spiritually, we must fight back and resist because in the game is even our freedom.
Body and spirit need training, so the economic intelligence of the Romanian people to be involved, have to give improved performance internationally.
A first economic measure to be applied is restoring food production, ie to produce high quality food, not to import from a foreign country.
One thing that struck me is represented by cheaper junk-food products and increases the prices at the normal food like vegetables or dairy products.
Many people will ask: But how come I got to this situation? Well the answer is simple: supply and demand.
If demand for junk food has become so great that prices are normal for this type of "food" to fall.
At the same time that demand for fruits, vegetables and dairy products has shrunk, it is normal that prices for such products to grow.

The good is the fact that whenever we could find a solution for every economic situation is doesn’t matter if we are in a desperate economic situation.
If we feel in our heart that we will succeed, then we will, if our soul feel otherwise have to find the source of evil that includes our minds.
Negativity makes us believe that we are alone in the world, that nobody can help us in a world where selfishness has reached to alarming levels.
This negativity will disappear from our lives, when we re-discover because as we all know, the better to change the world you must first change yourself.
As long as a person you will not be changed for the better, you can not ask others to be different.
Tolerance is a thing of value for a modern, open-minded. But we must not confuse tolerance and ignorance.
It is normal to tolerate as long as you are also tolerated in return.
I noticed that now the idea of tolerance is manifested in a strange way, because native Europeans are virtually forced to accept any foreign cultural element whether that element does not comply with their wishes.
It is absurd to accuse someone who did nothing but support their native European culture.
The idea of ​​the extreme left fashionable today is: The influence of European native peoples of the world was a negative because Europeans were imperialists.
But this idea is just absurd that people who have put it into circulation not only because European nations have built empires, and African and Asian nations built empires until the arrival of Europeans.
Another important aspect is the fact that not all European nations participated in the slave trade or subjugating other nations.

 But European nations I gave the world the native paths to modernity, to progress.
Our Romanian nation is one of the most glorious European nations and the contribution he made ​​to create paths to modernity and progress.
Henri Coanda  was the inventor of
jet aircraft, Nicola Tesla ( Istro-Romanian ) who learn two-phase system of alternating current, Justin Capra, inventor of the jet ski.
Romanian nation has left a legacy of Europe.
Patriotism is about respect, respect for people and the country you were born. This approach should reveal the true political values ​​created by our nation and how they were influential people. From politically enriching patriotism will solve the problem overnight as patriotic elite will settle for what may occur and not feel the need to steal.
The fact that the patriotic organizations in Romania are not allowed to take the reins of power is due to current political class that needs urgent restructuring.
But this much-needed restructuring will come only with a new political class, a patriotic.
Considering it's the economy, I draw a parallel between the political class patriotic economic drawn to faith and a political class "modern" with the materialist view.
   Patriotic political class because the emphasis on faith will help the poor who want to climb the social ladder because members of this class will think the consequences of their actions in the hereafter.
  While the political class materialistic views will think only his own interests and the rich become richer while the poor are becoming poorer, why the lack of religious conscience.
 A man without God is lost spiritually and economically. I say that is lost because economically not know how to work with other people because he thinks only for itself.
Thinking a national political class without God will be a disaster on both plans, the spiritual and economic one.
Another good example when it comes to the difference between thrift and greed and their economic effects can be found in the Bible, the New Testament parable of the Prodigal Son. Son that the unthinkable consequences ventured and lost his fortune in record time, after he becomes poor start to realize the mistake and go the right way.
 Drawing a parallel to today, the prodigal son is the current political class has not learned to good use in a natural property of God left Romania Romanian people.
  But just like in the parable, when the son (politicians) will see that everything will go wrong will try to change the situation.

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